Fees and Policies

Fee Structure

Our primary concern is the health of your pet. It is our responsibility to provide your pet with appropriate and humane medical and surgical services. In order to accomplish this, we must have a devoted, quality-minded staff as well as an excellent physical facility. Our fee schedule is structured to support a modern, sanitary hospital that has all of the necessary medical and surgical supplies and equipment required to deliver the highest possible quality veterinary services.


It is our policy to prepare a treatment plan fee schedule (estimate) for your review (in advance and in writing) of what your hospital fees will be. Please do not hesitate to request an estimate when you would like one. We do not wish to extend anyone beyond their means. Please do not hesitate to communicate your intentions to your doctor.

Deposit, Balance and Credit Cards

It is customary to pay for veterinary services as they are rendered. A deposit may be requested for hospitalized patients. Your prompt payment is the only means by which this hospital is supported. Unlike human hospitals, we get no government funding or foundation grants.

Credit is extended for your convenience through Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We also accept personal checks (driver’s license required) and cash.

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